
A selection of my work.

Here, you can find a selection of software and hardware products I've been involved with as UX Designer, UX Researcher, and Human Factors Specialist. For confidentiality reasons endorsed by my former employers, I cannot share any pictures of detailed designs. For a demonstration of my design approach, follow the button below to see the full case study of my work SafIRa - a product for non-invasive glucose monitoring.

Case Study SafIRa

Sequencing results - tertiary analysis

navify® Mutation Profiler is a tertiary analysis tool for genome sequencing results. Pathologists and oncologists can use the tool to identify cancer-related mutation profiles similar to their patient's and receive suggestions for open clinical trials, promising treatment, or other relevant scientific information.
Official product website navify® Mutation Profiler

  • Company: Roche Diagnostics
  • Lab area: Sequencing Solutions
  • Product type: Desktop Software
  • Design involvement: UX Research & Evaluation, UX Concept & Design, Risk analysis, Documentation

Prepare samples for sequencing

This instrument covers three steps in the process to prepare the samples for sequencing analysis: library preparation, target enrichment, and library quantification according to the protocol and pipeline used for later analysis.
Official product website AVENIO Edge System

  • Company: Roche Diagnostics
  • Lab area: Sequencing Solutions
  • Product type: Hardware, embedded software for touchscreen use
  • Design involvement: UX Research & Evaluation, UX Concept, Design & Usability Review, Risk analysis, Documentation

Sequencing instrument

The sequencing instrument performs the primary sequencing analysis on the samples after nucleid acid extraction and sample preparation.
This instrument is still under development and thus not yet available on the market.

  • Company: Roche Diagnostics
  • Lab area: Sequencing Solutions
  • Product type: Hardware, embedded software for touchscreen use
  • Design involvement: UX Research & Evaluation, UX Concept & Design, Usability, Risk analysis, Documentation

Order sequencing analysis kits

A web-based tool to design or customize sequencing analysis kits and to order the associated reagents and chemicals right at the end of the design process.
Official product website AVENIO Designer Software

  • Company: Roche Diagnostics
  • Lab area: Sequencing Solutions
  • Product type: Web-based software and ordering tool
  • Design involvement: UX Concept & Design, Design Evaluation, Risk analysis, Documentation

A sequencing workflow manager

This software monitors all steps required for an end-to-end sequencing workflow, monitors all associated devices and analysis steps, tracks the sample and anlysis status, and notifies the user accordingly.
Official product website AVENIO Connect Software

  • Company: Roche Diagnostics
  • Lab area: Sequencing Solutions
  • Product type: Cloud-based tracking & monitoring tool
  • Design involvement: UX Research, Workflow analysis, UX Concept & Design, Usability & Evaluation, Risk analysis, Documentation

Sequencing end-to-end workflow

For a seamless design and workflow integration, we investigated and analyzed all associated steps from sample accessioning through result display and reporting. Those steps may differ depending on the analysis pipeline, reagent kit, or type of cancer. Thus, understanding both generic and specific workflow steps is crucial for design, systems integration, evaluations, product risk management, and compliant documentation.

  • Company: Roche Diagnostics
  • Lab area: Sequencing Solutions
  • Product type:User journeys
  • Design involvement: UX Research, Workflow analysis, Systems integration, Risk analysis, Documentation

Nucleid acid extraction

A table-top instrument with embedded software for touchscreen operation, the MagNA Pure 24 can extract targets from a wide range of samples such as whole blood, plasma, serum, nasal swabs, urine, or cultured cells.
Official product website MagNA Pure 24 System

  • Company: Roche Diagnostics
  • Lab area: Molecular laboratories
  • Product type: Hardware, embedded software for touchscreen use
  • Design involvement: Workflow analysis, UX (Re)Design, Design Evaluation, Risk analysis, Documentation

Systems for automated PCR

These large, floor-standing instruments comprise functionalities, consumables, reagents, and data management to automatically run Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) based on Nucleid Acid Testing (NAT). These instruments are for example used for blood screening or virus detection and virus load determination such as SARS-COV2, HIV, or HBV.
Official product website cobas® 6800
Official product website cobas® 8800

  • Company: Roche Diagnostics
  • Lab area: Molecluar laboratories
  • Product type:Hardware, embedded software for touchscreen use
  • Design involvement: UX Concept & Design, Usability & Evaluation, Risk analysis, Documentation

Point-of-care PCR

The cobas® liat system comprises a point-of-care sized Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) instrument and a ready-made assay tube for rapid in vitro diagnostic tests.
Official product website cobas® liat system

  • Company: Roche Diagnostics
  • Lab area: Molecluar laboratories or point-of-care facilities
  • Product type:Hardware, embedded software for touchscreen use
  • Design involvement: Usability Evaluation, Risk analysis, Documentation

Molecular Pre-analytics

The cobas® Prime instrument automates the pre-analytic workflow in molecular laboratories including to bulk-load different sample containers, read the barcodes, position the containers, de- and recaps the containers, print new barcodes for tracking in the laboratory, and prepares the samples for Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing. This reduces errors from manual work steps and frees up a lot of time which lab personel can spend on other tasks.
Official product website cobas® prime pre-analytical system

  • Company: Roche Diagnostics
  • Lab area: Molecluar laboratories
  • Product type:Hardware, embedded software for touchscreen use
  • Design involvement: UX Concept & Design, Hardware Interface Concept and Ergonomic Assessment, Usability Evaluation, Risk analysis, Documentation

Managing minimally invasive surgery

The OR1® software suite offers multiple functions. While I was involved, we worked on functionalities to allow for remote consultation during surgery, manage videos and stills, enable control of the OR (eg, the overall light conditions), and a monitoring function for circulating nurses for live information from the different ORs they are serving.
Official product website OR1®

  • Company: Karl Storz
  • Usage: Minimally invasive surgery
  • Product type:Software with touch and voice interface
  • Design involvement: UX Concept & Design, Usability Evaluation, Risk analysis, Documentation

Insufflation of the operational field

In minimally invasive surgery, an insufflator is often used to expand the cavity of the surgical field through a gas for optimal access and view.
Official product website ENDOFLATOR 40

  • Company: Karl Storz
  • Usage: Minimally invasive surgery
  • Product type:Hardware, embedded software for touchscreen use
  • Design involvement: UX Concept & Design, Usability Evaluation, Risk analysis, Documentation

Suction or irrigation pump

This pump can take two functions to support minimally invasive surgery: it can irrigate the surgical field as well as suction fluids or smoke from the surgical field.
Official product website ENDOMAT®

  • Company: Karl Storz
  • Usage: Minimally invasive surgery
  • Product type:Hardware, embedded software for touchscreen use
  • Design involvement: UX Concept & Design, Usability Evaluation, Risk analysis, Documentation

Light to the dark

Excellent view is crucial for minimally invasive surgery. This light source can help to bring light into the dark of the surgical field.

  • Company: Karl Storz
  • Usage: Minimally invasive surgery
  • Product type:Hardware, embedded software for touchscreen use
  • Design involvement: UX Concept & Design, Usability Evaluation, Risk analysis, Documentation

Flyer design

I designed a print flyer for the functional prototype by Humedics which allows to determine a patient's liver function through their respiratory air. The instrument can thus for example support the prognosis of liver function after a hepatectomy.

  • Company: Humedics
  • Usage:Determining a patient's liver function through breath
  • Design involvement: Flyer design

Field observation

For the instrument to determine a patient's liver function, I provided a design concept based on a workflow analysis and field observation.

  • Company: Humedics
  • Usage:Determining a patient's liver function through breath
  • Design involvement: UX Research, User worklow analysis, Design Concept

Icon design

Icon design for different products, including hardware and software icons.

  • Company: designS
  • Usage:Icons for various products
  • Design involvement: Concept & Design

SafIRa - non-invasive blood glucose monitoring

This design study comprises software and and hardware design concepts of a device for non-invasive blood glucose monitoring. Utlizing a rotating hardware element, the user can directly access into main functions of the software.
Full case study: SafIRa

  • Company: My Thesis Industrial Design
  • Usage:Blood glucose montoring
  • Design involvement: UX Research, Technology research, UX Concept & Design