Psychology & Neuroscience

Always aiming to learn more and to interconnect different domains, disciplines, and competencies, I embarked on a psychology education to accompany my background in design and human factors.

How do neural processes influence
and guide our behavior?

While working as UX Researcher and UX Designer in the medical device industry, I embarked on a part-time BSc program in Psychology, which I successfully completed in 2020 with a thesis on When boredom fails: The impact of state boredom on goal-directed behavior. To learn more about thorough research methods, advanced statistical tools, some coding and modeling, as well as to understand better how neural processes may impact our behavior and may change across the lifespan, in 2022 I started a MSc (research) Psychology focussing on cognitive neuroscience. For an impression of what I've lately been dealing with, follow any of the links below.